100 years Movie celebrations to kick start today

Unknown | 22:37 | 0 comments

All the four South Indian film industries are getting ready to kick start the grand celebrations to mark the completion of 100 years of Indian Cinema. The event will be inaugurated by the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jaya Lalitha and Governor Konijeti Rosaih at 4 pm in Nehru Stadium, Chennai.
Today evening marks the celebration of Tamil industry.Sunday morning will be the celebration of Kannada film industry followed by Telugu film industry in the evening. Malayalam film industry has their celebrations on 23rd and 24th will be the farewell day to be graced by President of India Pranab Mukherjee. In the last day of celebrations 7 celebrities from each industry are chosen and are honoured by the president.
Lots of cultural activities are planned. The producer’s council and the Tamil Nadu government have spent close to 30 crores to make sure the success of this grand event.
